
Welcome me, welcome you! Athough I am not sure I have much to say, that anyone wants to listen to that is, I thought it might be fun to start a blog and archive my thoughts, pictures, writings, and attempted recipes and crafts! So, this is more of an area for me to be ME and to explore, vent and get creative. Enjoy, I plan to!

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Tie dye and henna

My latest starving artist work in progress.

I call it, "The Elephant in the Room."

Acrylics on Wood (a wooden wine box top)

Friday, January 29, 2016

Feeling sleepy!

I was just getting ready for bed and putting on lotion. My hubby came into the bathroom and said, "why are you using the energy lotion, you should be using sleep and calming lotion!"

So, I squirted some of that out too, rubbed it in and said, "there, they can duke it out!"

After this hectic week, I doubt I'll have trouble falling aslee....💤💤

Monday, January 25, 2016

Joyful in HOPE!

Thank you for your prayers. Our meeting was long but we could not have been prouder of our team! DHS workers, the Prosecutor, kid's lawyer, adoption and foster care case workers and therapists, all (but one😁) were amazing!

We left feeling exhausted but hopeful and with relief that we were heard!

We await the decision.

Before we got there I was talking/texting a few friends, we were feeling very anxious and those friend shared a prayer and humor with us, we re-read your comments on my post, and shed a grateful tear! We were bolstered knowing you were beside us in prayer; a prayer army strong with knowledge that Our God is bigger than this and fueled with the desire to see this kiddo get the chance he deserves. Thank you!

I'll update you when we hear! XO!

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Those who kneel before God can stand before anyone!

As some of you know, one of our kiddos is currently not living with us due to his unsafe behaviors. We haven't broadcast it because, well, how do you go about putting it into writing when your heart is aching?

He is in a great facility and we are able to see him often while he gets the help he needs. We have also been able to take him for a couple brief outings, they typically go well but they are also a struggle at times. We have been so grateful that he is in a place where he has love, support, consistency, of people who seem to love the Lord and are there for the kids.

We learned in Friday that the county of financial responsibility, that agreed to pay the 12-16 months of treatment, is longer willing to pay for him to be there. This scares us, a lot!

There is no way this kiddo is ready to be back and frankly, we are struggling with anxiety and fear related to the possibility of him coming home.

Monday is a hearing/meeting, we are going in expecting to fight and we are already overwhelmed at having to be here yet again.

More time off work, more time fighting, more paperwork, more heartbreak for all of us. It is just not right.

Please pray with us as we go into this tomorrow.

Lord please calm the fear in our hearts. Please grant us wisdom and courage, and may the decision be what is best for this kiddo and our family.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Parmesan Herb Potatoes

Parmesan Herb Potatoes

6 medium potatoes, I used purple and russet. Sliced thin on a mandolin and then dried with paper towel. Then in a separate bowl I mixed Parmesan cheese, garlic powder, onion flakes, fresh rosemary, fresh cracked pepper, and a bit of Italian seasoning. Sorry, I did not measure anything, but you can my guess at it. Maybe a tablespoon of everything and 1/4 cup of Parmesan.

Tossed the spices into the potatoes, oh and I added sliced mushrooms because I wanted to use them up. Once the potatoes were covered on the spices I drizzled them with olive oil, maybe 3 tablespoons.

Spread out on a pan, I used stoneware. Bake for 45-50 minutes turning them after 20 minutes and then every ten minutes. You can do less time if you d not want them crispy and more time of you want them crispier! 


Preheated my oven to 450°.

I put them on a plate with some bacon and scramble eggs topped with jalapeño cheese. Everyone gobbled them up! Delish!

Monday, January 18, 2016

Birthday Honor

Was reminded tonight of a sweet memory from a year ago:

The boys were so excited that it was my birthday, could hardly contain themselves! Then when it came time for cake they were singing "happy birthday" they were just beaming and I noticed that D, singing with gusto, had stood and placed his hand over his heart!!


Saturday, January 16, 2016

Breakfast Bake

Breakfast bake

I made a yummy breakfast this morning, thanks to a recipe on Pinterest! 

5 eggs
1/4 cup milk
1 cup cheddar cheese
2 of those refrigerator biscuits that come in a tube...the kind that pop and even though you know it's going to happen it scares you and you jump! 
Diced onions or scallions (I don't like onions so I used the dried kind). You could also add sausage or bacon if you so choose. 

Quarter the biscuits, shred the cheese. Mix the eggs and milk then add the dough and cheese mix it all up and pour into a sprayed 13x9 pan. I also sprinkled garlic powder and pepper into the mix. 

Preheat @350° bake at same temp for 25-28 minutes. 

So quick and easy!!!

Biscuits: 19¢ a roll (on sale at aldi)
eggs $1
Cheese: $1.79
Milk: maybe 30¢
Total: $3.47 <- awesome! 

I also made some home fries and a fruit cup, delish! 

Sent from my iPhone

Monday, January 11, 2016

My sister!

I'm love my little sister. I am always amazed by her simple yet profound wisdom and proud of her love for all living beings. I am humbled by her easy acceptance of others differences and abilities. Truly, her laughter, love for life, her naive trusting nature, and the ways she cares for people are inspirational. 

Each year mom helps her choose a project, a way of doing for others. This year she collected bottles and cans everywhere she went (they are worth 5¢ in NY) to help the homeless. My mom's post: 

"Thank you to everyone that donated cans and bottles to CJ's sock project. Today she delivered 40 pair of warm socks and 15 pair of gloves to Open Door . She will continue to collect cans and bottles so keep them coming."

I tease that I was dethroned when she came to our family, but I wouldn't trade her for anything! She is quite a sassy fun little lady who has brought much love, laughter, and learning our way! 

I brag the I got to choose her middle name and oh how much it suits her: JOY! 

Tuesday, January 5, 2016


I'm sitting in a class learning about taxes. Despite how enrapturing the content is, I'm am glazing over!! Interestingly enough, they use some abbreviations, one being TP = Tax Payers. But for me I've chosen to substitute the words Toilet Paper!  Reading the Power Point with this in mind is making the experience much more entertaining!!


Monday, January 4, 2016

One of those days...

One of those days when we have to repeat over and over to ourselves: "this will be worth it!!" "keep going!!" "They didn't ask to be broken!!" "This is fear, it shows how much they need you to keep believing, keep trying, keep loving!" Someday we will look back on this and laugh!!" (And repeat...)

Friday, January 1, 2016


Well, 2015 has been quite a WILD ride for this family!! We've known great sorrow, fear, laughter, tears, immense frustrations, and sweet victories. It has been the roughest time of stretching I've ever known. Through it all we have felt the support of our friends, and the loving arms of our Lord holding us, thank you! 

Praying that in 2016 we continue to know His peace and that we will be faithful to take one day at a time and live out His plan for our lives. And may we draw closer to Christ together as a couple and as a family. 

What doesn't kill us only makes us stronger! 

Amen, play ball, where's the mimosas?!!