
Welcome me, welcome you! Athough I am not sure I have much to say, that anyone wants to listen to that is, I thought it might be fun to start a blog and archive my thoughts, pictures, writings, and attempted recipes and crafts! So, this is more of an area for me to be ME and to explore, vent and get creative. Enjoy, I plan to!

Friday, April 28, 2017

Peek at Play

A peek into some of our counseling sessions...tbc....

Hannah Henna!

I am learning Henna! A = my canvas! I tried a dragon! A: "I was hoping for cool, I guess cute will do, maybe the girls will like it." This is not as easy as it looks! Austin is out of arms...roll up your sleeves B, you're next!! When learning something new, i like to do things from the ground up so i am learning all about... To be cont.

Thursday, April 13, 2017


I had a friend named Vivian, she was amazing and lovely! An Adirondack hoarder of paper and poetry. As an adult I reflect on how, as a little blonde kid, I would love to sit in her living room and listen to her stories. I'm sad I can't remember them now. She wrote poetry, it just poured out of her. Beautiful reflections of her friends, nature, and, mostly, her Lord. I remember she was a larger lady with gray hair and a wobbly chin i don't think she bathed much, her tub was full of poems. I loved spending time with her. She inspired me to write poems and listened to my scrawling attempts and would recite her own, they flowered from her soul. She kept them on various bit of paper in shoe boxes and envelopes everywhere. Her house was literally cluttered with poems and she would want to find a particular one for you she would search through them hundreds...thousands... I always wanted her to publish them. Her daughter did, after her death. I remember it was a small blue paper booklet, I wish I had a copy. I haven't thought of her for years but tonight she came to mind so vividly, I scoured the internet to see if someone out there had her poems... and i cried, sad that her thousands of papers and poems are gone, just like she is and thankful tears that I knew her.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Challenge to the "religious"

I saw this laughed and felt guilty all at the same time! I am really struggling with bitterness and disappointment in God's people. The people who preach religion but don't follow through. I hate to even say it, because I know I'm far from perfect. But really? My dad has had a few family members visit and a friend from California, but no one from his church and no one from the the organization he held in such high regard. Sure it looks good that you do your duty to go to church, or to Africa (no offense to Africa) but what about your duty to the shut-ins, orphans, widows around you? What about someone who used to call you friend? Why not? Is it because we are too busy or too uncomfortable and that there is a clause for this that releases us from this duty? There is no James 1:27b "Unless it takes time or takes you out of your comfort zone!" Knowing that I'm not perfect, I challenge myself as well as you. Are we acting out the command of James 1:27? If the answer is no, what is the plan to change that? I pray that the Holy Spirit nags us until we listen and change! #Truth #NotEveryoneAppreciatesMyCandor