
Welcome me, welcome you! Athough I am not sure I have much to say, that anyone wants to listen to that is, I thought it might be fun to start a blog and archive my thoughts, pictures, writings, and attempted recipes and crafts! So, this is more of an area for me to be ME and to explore, vent and get creative. Enjoy, I plan to!

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Cover People

 Cover of the Book Day! 

Yup it’s made up, I made it up just now! Since there are so many made up holidays I am making my own! 

Beaver and I liken our kiddos’ stories and our family journey to a book. Not everyone gets to read it. In fact, most only get to see the cover! Some actually care enough they get to read the back and learn a little more. Some get to see the summary or intro page. While others are afforded peeks at certain chapter we reveal and those closest, most trusted, see the whole story. 

As we look back at our story we see our Village throughout the pages! The times when the ink runs dry or the words are hard to find you’ve helped write our story with infusions of love, prayers, safe spaces, brave spaces, spaghetti casseroles, a load of laundry, a hand to hold or to pass a tissue, or to laugh with us at absurdities that others can’t even fathom nor would they even find it the slightest bit funny! 

Soo..Cover Day inception….

Here we are in a new chapter of…. adult….ish! It’s a different, interesting and often a fun and difficult one to navigate for all of us.

And today (yesterday now) I was in a place where the ink was dry….as in the past months people, who don’t deserve to even read the cover, have been cruel and others have taken advantage. 

So, here’s to you Cover People who, at a glance, think you understand what is inside and judge and act without even caring to read the back cover to gain a tiny bit more insight and perspective, it’s okay though you don’t deserve to read it, we understand it’s not for everyone! Bless your hearts 💕 (I can say that with intention now since I’m kind of a southerner 😂)!

For those who’ve made it this far, welcome to the ever evolving summary! 

This is my boy, our boy!! Such a great kid…most of the time…(🤣IYKYK🥰) and we love him, ALL of the time! 

He is a full-time college student and a Veterinary Assistant a local Animal Clinic. He is tender hearted, kind and  therefore often loves pets more than people as the level of acceptance and understanding from the former is greater! He is active in church,  striving for acceptance and also wanting to learn more about Jesus and how to serve Him. 

Austin Jonathan, we pray for you to grow in wisdom, knowledge, and discernment. We pray you continue grow to love all of God’s creation (even humans in all of their…human-ness) And again, discernment…of those who get to be close enough to understand certain chapters and those who need to be kept as Cover People!

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Don’t pass the Mayo!

 Thank you all for your prayers. Our Mayo visit yesterday went extremely well. Everyone was exceptionally knowledgeable, organized, and kind. 

Probably the most comforting aspect of our visit was the validation. It felt good to know the trajectory we’ve been on, since connecting with our local endocrinologist, is spot on; and now the folks at Mayo will help take it to the next level to determine treatment and advocate for further exploration. 

More testing over the next few weeks and then we hope to have a more definitive diagnosis and plan. 

So, in true Trumble-fashion…on the way there I rolled down the back window instead of the front, no biggie, but it wouldn’t roll up!!! Why?!! 

Hmmm…okay, we have all our stuff in the car we can hardly just leave it in the parking garage with the window down…

We phone a friend for any tips…nothing…Beaver is googling tips…

We pull into a parking lot and open and SLAM door several times in case it helps….(hey, ya never know). I thought people would think we were nuts so then I got laughing…lending more credence to their potential thoughts of my instability… added to this is that Beaver is outside pulling up on the window and saying “you aren’t slamming it hard enough” and “well don’t slam it 50 times in a row, you look crazy!” 


Omgosh! By then I was biting my cheek so I don’t bust up laughing. Suddenly, something worked….likely just the grace of God saving us from ourselves…and the window sailed up!! Whoot Whoot!!! 

All in all it was a reminder that despite ourselves He is ever present in our times of need. We felt your prayers and now you know that your intercession for us included a rebellious window!

Thursday, March 24, 2022

Jehovah Tsaba

 Reading the book, The Power of God’s Names, by Tony Evans. I highly recommend this book! 

As we deal with curveballs of Beaver’s sickness, job loss, and our families’ struggles, it’s comforting and faith affirming to learn more about the God who is real, powerful, practical, present, and personal! He is far greater than even the most curviest of curveballs! 

The one that stood out to me tonight: Jehovah Tsaba: The Lord Our Warrior! 

How amazing to realize anew that the Lord of Heaven’s armies fights for us! 💕

Monday, January 3, 2022

Be Still

 Be Still

This is a picture I took of my prayer plant, before we left for the hospital today. 

A dear friend one told me her meditation mantra for when she is anxious. I adopted it and have used it often!

Be still and know that I am God.

Be still and know that I Am.

Be still and know.

Be still.


Psalm 46:10a

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

(Temporary Backup) Be a helper!

* Voice to text, please excuse typos and the lack of punctuation. 

Friends after seeing the news this morning about all the Michigan schools closing, knowing others will soon follow suit, I stood in the shower and just cried and prayed.

I prayed for kiddos and families who otherwise don’t have food and resources and perhaps even less coping skills.

Prayed for the protection of kiddos who will now be home alone or placed here and there, or home with a parent who is struggling to keep themselves together.

I prayed for foster parents who rely on that 8 hour break. For the kiddos parents who are experiencing a lack of control over their child and may have fearful hearts.

And I prayed for all those who when this is all said and done and even now are naysayers to preparation and will in a twisted way decide if the pandemic wasn’t bad enough to warrant the hype. And are ignorant to the fact that it’s due to the cautious preparation lives will be spared.

Take a look around at your community neighborhood, the kids your kids go to school with, Food pantry, babysitting...What can you do to support someone today?

Agreed we should secure our own oxygen mask before assisting others… But while you’re securing your mask be thinking about how you can respond in an effective way to those around you.

Faith over Fear

I picked up my dad‘s devotional tonight, opened at random and was reading about faith. I came across several notes my dad had made, likely when he was preparing a sermon. 

What he had written was all about how fear is the opposite of faith. How great it is to know my God is not the author fear and chaos. He is faithful to His promises. 

The one phrase that stood out most is how he wrote, “don’t let TV news create fear.” This is a good reminder to me these days because there is evil everywhere and at times it can produce fear in my heart. This was a reminder that God is in control.

It’s true, there is nothing the corroborates God’s promises, mostly it’s just blind faith. It’s blind faith in The One who can be trusted. 

You can’t see the wind but you can see what the wind does. 

Anyway...so many thoughts in my head tonight....

I’m thankful for a dad who taught me faith over fear.