
Welcome me, welcome you! Athough I am not sure I have much to say, that anyone wants to listen to that is, I thought it might be fun to start a blog and archive my thoughts, pictures, writings, and attempted recipes and crafts! So, this is more of an area for me to be ME and to explore, vent and get creative. Enjoy, I plan to!

Wednesday, June 22, 2016


Thank you!! Court went very well. The judge was amazing. Very emotional time. Phew, who knew two years ago that all this would take place?

The verdict is that D will not becoming home as soon as we hoped and planning overnight visits at home are on hold; until safety can be more certain. Tough pills to swallow thinking about this kiddo still being out of the home but wanting so badly to be home with us and his brother; his family!

We will start overnight visits closer to where he is located and start small where we will check into "the only hotel" in the town, staff will drop him off...pool, pizza and they will pick him up after breakfast the next day. We will see how these types of visits go and work towards longer visits and eventually home visits.

Here is a picture of the boys finding their names in the court docket.

A cool thing that happened today was that another agency heard about us and what we are going through and sent us a $50 gas card, that was so awesome. We don't happen to have this particular gas station around here so anyone in Detroit wanting to purchase a Valero gas card, let us know, we'll trade for speedway or westco :)!!

It was again, tough saying goodbye. I hugged him close and whispered to him, as I usually do:

"D, I love you so much and I pray for you lots and lots! You are such a special boy, never forget how many people love you and the best of all Jesus loves you! Even when you make poor choices, we will love you even though that's probably hard to believe. But we never stop loving you because you are a good boy and so special to us!"

He says, "I love you too, thank you!"

At this point I let go and try to keep it together. We walk him to the van, then another round of  hugs and I love you's...and we watch them drive away with a piece of our hearts. :(

Thank you for you live, support, thoughts, and prayer!!

XO, me

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