
Welcome me, welcome you! Athough I am not sure I have much to say, that anyone wants to listen to that is, I thought it might be fun to start a blog and archive my thoughts, pictures, writings, and attempted recipes and crafts! So, this is more of an area for me to be ME and to explore, vent and get creative. Enjoy, I plan to!

Monday, January 27, 2025

Welcome to Brave Space

 A few years ago, a colleague introduced me to the concept of a Brave Space versus a Safe Space, and it immediately struck a chord. Recently, after navigating some personal challenges—including working with someone whose personality clashed with nearly everyone’s—I found myself reflecting on what it means to feel safe or brave in difficult situations.

Today, while finishing setting up my new office, I revisited Micky Scottbey Jones’s “An Invitation to a Brave Space.” It’s a beautiful piece that inspires a culture of courage and support, but as I reflected on my own journey, I realized I wanted to adapt it—infusing it with my own perspective....‘Hannah-esque!' I plant to print it and post it in my office. 

In this office, we create a brave space.
Not because it’s easy, but because it’s worth it.
A “safe space” is something we build together over time,
And it starts with the courage to be honest, vulnerable, and a little bit bold.

Here, we recognize that the real world isn’t always kind. We all carry our share of scars, and let’s be real—we’ve all made mistakes.
But guess what? We’re human. Not perfect, just better when we’re together.

This is a space to pause, reflect, and even laugh a bit!
To turn down the noise of the outside world
And crank up curiosity, creativity, and compassion.

Here, we invite challenge, hard work and growth—but don’t worry, 
We’ll do it with a mix of truth, love, and a sense of humor.
We’ll amplify voices that need to be heard,
And if we stumble along the way, we’ll pick each other up.

We have the right to start wherever we are—
And the responsibility to stay open, ask questions, and maybe have a little fun doing it.
It might not always be comfortable,
But bravery—and a bit of laughter—can get us through anything.

This isn’t a perfect space.
But it’s ours—a space where open minds, open hearts,
And yes, a little creativity, make us stronger together.

So let’s do this. Side by side.
Let’s build a brave space, grow, thrive, and maybe even enjoy the ride.

I love you, pass it on!

(Adapted by Hannah Wildes-Trumble from Micky Scottbey Jones’s “An Invitation to a Brave Space”)

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