* Voice to text, please excuse typos and the lack of punctuation.
Friends after seeing the news this morning about all the Michigan schools closing, knowing others will soon follow suit, I stood in the shower and just cried and prayed.
I prayed for kiddos and families who otherwise don’t have food and resources and perhaps even less coping skills.
Prayed for the protection of kiddos who will now be home alone or placed here and there, or home with a parent who is struggling to keep themselves together.
I prayed for foster parents who rely on that 8 hour break. For the kiddos parents who are experiencing a lack of control over their child and may have fearful hearts.
And I prayed for all those who when this is all said and done and even now are naysayers to preparation and will in a twisted way decide if the pandemic wasn’t bad enough to warrant the hype. And are ignorant to the fact that it’s due to the cautious preparation lives will be spared.
Take a look around at your community neighborhood, the kids your kids go to school with, Food pantry, babysitting...What can you do to support someone today?
Agreed we should secure our own oxygen mask before assisting others… But while you’re securing your mask be thinking about how you can respond in an effective way to those around you.

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