“We are all in this boat together!” FALSE!
We are NOT all in the same boat. In fact each of our boats look very different:
- maybe you have little kids at home and your worried about what if there isn’t school...or what if there is??!!
- or your S.O. is out of a job
- Illness of family or friends
- Live alone and are feeling isolated and lonely
Remember that not all ship handle storms the same
- Rushing around to prepare
- Increased Anxiety is crippling
- Feeling tense and worried trying to keep things going as normally as possible
- Struggling to cope and feeling overwhelmed and tossed with every crash of the wave
- Taking it all in stride
What’s your boat looking like these days? How’s it handling?
While we are not all in the same boat WE ARE all in the same STORM
- And for those feeling anchored and calm – BE A BUOY for others
- note: you can’t be everybody’s buoy, and remember you have to put the life jacket on yourself before helping others!
- For those struggling to stay upright, it is okay that you are not okay. Please reach out for a steadying hand.
And most importantly - Look to our Lord, He is the lighthouse in the storm - He is that steady guide through any storm and for any ship. He can be trusted – look for Him – He is there, His light never dims.
Psalm 27:1 “The Lord is my light and my salvation – so why should I be afraid? The Lord is my fortress, protecting me from danger, so why should I tremble?”
In John 16:33 Jesus says, “I have told you these things so that you may have peace. In this world there will be trouble BUT TAKE HEART I have overcome the world!”
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