
Welcome me, welcome you! Athough I am not sure I have much to say, that anyone wants to listen to that is, I thought it might be fun to start a blog and archive my thoughts, pictures, writings, and attempted recipes and crafts! So, this is more of an area for me to be ME and to explore, vent and get creative. Enjoy, I plan to!

Monday, June 5, 2017


One of my favorite parts of the Festival of Arts this year was this friend and local artist, Beverly. She is simple and sweet lady.  

She is thrilled with the Paint-In, and walked around inspecting everyone’s art and relying on those running the booth to keep her in snacks! She opened her plastic Meijer bags to produce and show me several paintings she had already completed.

I reminded her of the one I purchased from her a couple years ago. She said, "I know! Was it a butterfly or bugs?" "Bugs" I replied and she grinned from ear to ear, “Yup, I remember!”

I remember when I bought the painting I asked her to explain to me about the picture and she replied in an incredulous tone altering me that I should have been able to tell, "It's bugs!" “Is there anything special about it?” I pushed.  “It’s just bugs!”  Well, Bugs it is!  Until I later learned her name I always endearingly referred to her as Bugs! 


I see her around town a lot and always smile and try to chat with her – she is a conversation minimalist, she always has places to go and things to do!


Today I asked if we could take a picture together so I could put it with my bug picture. She was all in!! But first, she stopped to get out one of her latest BUG paintings to hold in the photo! This is a single bug painting; the one I purchased a few years ago is a bug grouping!


The Beverly and Bug photo-shoot cracked me up!


Picture one: she wanted me to take another because her eyes were closed, oops!


Picture two: another redo because we couldn't see the painting.


Picture three: another redo because I again did not get enough of the painting.


Final and heartily approved picture four: Beverly and Bug!      I agree it is the best one!

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