Avoiding truth and confrontation does not make a matter better nor does it make it go away. I am direct and expect it from others; to me it is sincere and honest. Why do communications have to be sugar-coated to the point of being evasive, dishonest, & passive aggressive? That type of behavior is ultimately paralyzing! Be real, don’t say yes if you want to say no and have no plan to keep your commitment, don’t nod in agreement if you do not agree, and for pity sake don't be nice to someone's face and then slam them behind their back.
What happened to healthy dialogue or even debate and mutual respect despite differences of opinions?
This culture of “nice”, is a tough pill to swallow! For me it makes me feel like I am doing something wrong when I am direct and honest; I feel frowned upon, disobedient, misunderstood,...and it feels duplicitous! Despite understanding this gap, I question myself and it doesn’t feel good. I believe in people being able to express themselves respectfully and directly without it being taken by others as recalcitrance, obstinance, or as a personal insult. If you cannot take it, if direct feels critical, then feel free not to use it to learn or to improve yourself, feel free to continue to tip your nose and move on, but know that you don’t win, you don’t grow, and I probably don’t like you!
#Nice #IsNotAlwaysNice
Not quite off the soapbox yet…
People are real with real feelings and real thoughts, and they have the freedom of expression (albeit it should be respectful and kind). These feeling and thoughts may not fit in with yours, too bad, it takes all kinds of people to make this world go ‘round and to keep things interesting.
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