
Welcome me, welcome you! Athough I am not sure I have much to say, that anyone wants to listen to that is, I thought it might be fun to start a blog and archive my thoughts, pictures, writings, and attempted recipes and crafts! So, this is more of an area for me to be ME and to explore, vent and get creative. Enjoy, I plan to!

Sunday, February 7, 2016

You are missed.

It hardly seems like a year ago today we tragically lost our friend. It seems like yesterday and it seems like forever. 

I remember praying over and over again that he was okay and just up the river a ways.

Not sure why God took him, but we are thankful the world had him while we did. It was great to see the community come together with meals, dog walking, and bringing comfort to his dear wife and his much love sidekick, his dog, Lola! 

He was a deeply caring clinician, friend to all, and lover of life, we miss you Shep! 

His wife posted this today...a reminder to us all: 

His wife posted this quote today, "oh how we wasted thousands of moments thinking we had thousands more."

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