
Welcome me, welcome you! Athough I am not sure I have much to say, that anyone wants to listen to that is, I thought it might be fun to start a blog and archive my thoughts, pictures, writings, and attempted recipes and crafts! So, this is more of an area for me to be ME and to explore, vent and get creative. Enjoy, I plan to!

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

I'm A Nurse!

To The Hosts of The View, 

Shame on you for putting down my profession!

I've held hands with the dying. I'm a nurse.

I've delivered babies and assisted them to take their first breath. I'm a nurse.

I've worked tirelessly to save lives, sometimes in the midst of chaos and with all odds against us and not giving up hope. I'm a nurse.

I've detected heart murmurs that no one else had. I'm a nurse.

I've changed dressing on wounds you can only imagine. I'm a nurse.

I've counseled pregnant scared teenagers. I'm a nurse.

I've detected abuse, offered resources and implored them to seek press charges, and/or leave. I'm a nurse.

I've administered chemo to courageous patients who became survivors. I'm a nurse.

I've prayed with and for patients who've been scared and asked me to stay and pray. I'm a nurse.

I've taken blood and given blood. I'm a nurse.

I've bravely explained next steps to trauma patients and their families, sometimes next steps are saying good-bye. I'm a nurse.

I've removed ticks, beads out of noses, stitches, splinters, and....other things. I'm a nurse.

I know all the nerves but as my patient, I'll never let you know when you are on my last one. I'm a nurse.

I've felt like the whole world should stop in homage to the life we tried so desperately to save…but go on to the next waiting patient, he's angry with me because it's been over an hour and his toe has not been addressed. I'm a nurse.

I've carefully calculated doses so you are safe. I'm a nurse.

I've prayed to God for wisdom and interceded with Him on behalf of someone I don’t and will likely never know. I'm a nurse. 

I've made lots of crazy faces and sang silly sings to distract kiddos from their anxiety and pain while I prepare them for the reduction of a fracture or other interventions. I'm a nurse. 

I am a fierce patient advocate. I'm a nurse.

I've saved lives, young and old. I am a nurse.

I've started IVs that would make your head spin. I'm a nurse.

I have talked to patients and families about important end of life decisions. I'm a nurse.

I've gone to work even when I'm sicker than some of my patients. I'm a nurse.

I've stayed long past my shift because you trusted me, needed me. I'm a nurse.

I count it a privilege to help people of all shapes, sizes, colors, cultures, ethnicities....I've cared for them, advocated for them, cried with them, laughed with them, and I've educated them and they've educated me. I have had many a day where my feet have ached, my heads been throbbing, my emotions are raw, my bladder is full and my stomach is empty...it’s okay, i love what i do and will do it again tomorrow! I'm a nurse.


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