
Welcome me, welcome you! Athough I am not sure I have much to say, that anyone wants to listen to that is, I thought it might be fun to start a blog and archive my thoughts, pictures, writings, and attempted recipes and crafts! So, this is more of an area for me to be ME and to explore, vent and get creative. Enjoy, I plan to!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Grilled Apple and Spinach Salad

Last Friday night I ate out and had a salad similar to this one.  It was very good, but I did not care for some of the flavors.. So, I changed it up a bit and LOVE IT!!  We had it for dinner last night and my husband said to me today, "Let's have that salad again for dinner tonight."


1) Fresh Spinach - washed and the little stems cut off

2) Apple - sliced however you want to slice them - I think they are best sliced very thin, but you can chunk them or slice them depending on the texture you prefer. Then grill them, it brings out the flavor, but if you prefer not to, it is just as good. We had a bowl of non-grilled apple slices on the side and ended up using those too and it was really good. Also, use the apple of your choice I used Braeburn because they are my favorite.

3) Walnuts - toasted under the broiler for about 3-5 minutes on each side - YUM make extra they are just so delicious you have to sample a few while assembling!!

4) Gorgonzola - spinkle a generous amout over the salad

5) Raisins - again sprinkle over the top

6) Balsomic Vinegar and Olive Oil - drizzle over top

7) Fork - DIG IN!!


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