Thank you all for your prayers. Our Mayo visit yesterday went extremely well. Everyone was exceptionally knowledgeable, organized, and kind.
Probably the most comforting aspect of our visit was the validation. It felt good to know the trajectory we’ve been on, since connecting with our local endocrinologist, is spot on; and now the folks at Mayo will help take it to the next level to determine treatment and advocate for further exploration.
More testing over the next few weeks and then we hope to have a more definitive diagnosis and plan.
So, in true Trumble-fashion…on the way there I rolled down the back window instead of the front, no biggie, but it wouldn’t roll up!!! Why?!!
Hmmm…okay, we have all our stuff in the car we can hardly just leave it in the parking garage with the window down…
We phone a friend for any tips…nothing…Beaver is googling tips…
We pull into a parking lot and open and SLAM door several times in case it helps….(hey, ya never know). I thought people would think we were nuts so then I got laughing…lending more credence to their potential thoughts of my instability… added to this is that Beaver is outside pulling up on the window and saying “you aren’t slamming it hard enough” and “well don’t slam it 50 times in a row, you look crazy!”
Omgosh! By then I was biting my cheek so I don’t bust up laughing. Suddenly, something worked….likely just the grace of God saving us from ourselves…and the window sailed up!! Whoot Whoot!!!
All in all it was a reminder that despite ourselves He is ever present in our times of need. We felt your prayers and now you know that your intercession for us included a rebellious window!