Yahooooo he will now be so close by!!! Goodbye Saturday road trips, hello spending more time together and getting the appropriate services!! Whoot whoot!!
Pray with us as he starts this new program.
Honestly, I start to worry because he doesn't have a lot of options left if he doesn't do well with this program. It kind of scares me. But on the flip side we've seen God move some pretty big mountains for these kiddos. So, I'm actively working on placing my trust in God.
The first part of Romans 12 talks about making our lives "a living sacrifice." The hardest part about a living sacrifice is that the darn thing keeps crawling off the proverbial altar. It is a daily sometimes hourly effort to put myself back up there...
"Okay Lord, here I am again, I feel myself slipping off the altar, starting to worry and be anxious when really today should just be about excitement that we've worked so hard to get to this point. Forgive me for not always trusting You as I should.
I give myself and my family to You. Help me to trust, help me to remember that You love these kids more than anyone and that You desire the best for them. Give me the strength to keep advocating, give me the peace I need to quiet my anxious mom-heart, and when it's hard to like them please fill my cup with love for them like you love me with your perfect love despite my own unlovable thoughts, words, and actions.
Lord, give me grace for the journey You have set me upon. Help me to be what D & A need from a mom at this point in their lives. Help me to be patient, kind, and consistent. Please Lord, grant me much wisdom and courage.
Be with Beaver and I to remember to partner together, communicate, and be consistent. Help us to continue to love each other even in the hard times when we don't feel like it. Help us to listen to each other and to speak with respect and help us give each other grace.
And when I'm tempted to want, remind me me You are all I need! May I never look at what others have unless it is to ensure they have enough.
Go before us today, make the path straight for D. I ask for a great fresh start today for this struggling kiddo. He's yours Lord, keep him safe and help him to continue to grow to love, trust, and fear you. Please grow him into a happy productive man.
Although these thoughts and feeling are personal, I share them because I know I'm not the only one out there struggling...and if it reaches and encourages one other heart I want to say
1. You are not alone!
2. God is SO good!