Each boy had separate appearances and a caseworker sat in the foyer with the other kiddo. As this was a first time in court, boys were nervous but the judge was great! The judge talked to D about how the responsibility of getting his behavior together is within his control with all the helps we have in place for him and was sure to say he was proud of him for his progress!! Gave a little lecture to A re: his homework/school behavior and how he needs to buckle down and remember he's college so the choices he will be making in high school will have an impact on his college choices. Thanks Judge; love and appreciate your support!
Okay, full disclosure, both of us sat in court with tears rolling down our cheeks as the judge asked, "A, is there anything you would like to say?" A said, "yes, I'm really excited to get adopted and I hope it happens soon!"
Later when the same question was posed to D he about jumped up out of his seat with his answer, "I want to go home!" He then raised his hand and said, "I also want to say that I love my family, I want to do better so I can go home, get adopted, and not have to get sent away." Again, tears.
The judge also told D, "I've been worried about you and your brother for a couple years now. In my free time there are two cases that come to mind that I worry about. One is your case and I worry for you. So, this was a great way to start my day because it makes me happy that you now have a family who loves you, wants to adopt you, and is advocating for you." Yup, more tears!!
He then thanked us and said some other stuff about how important it is to take care of kids in our community without families, how he was thankful for families who step up etc......it was awesome!