Nurse Hannah's PSA!!!
Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea = Gastroenteritis
Gastroenteritis is often, inaccurately, referred to as "i have the flu" or "the stomach flu" but is totally unrelated to Influenza. Concern: dehydration, be sure to take in fluids...water is best but drink whatever you can tolerate. OTC meds may help too.
High fevers, body aches, sore throat, runny nose, headache, cough, muscle aches, fatigue = Influenza or "The Flu."
The concern of ACTUAL influenza is the it can lead to respiratory complications and/or exacerbate other comorbidities such as Heart Failure.
Regardless of which you have or what you call it don't pass it along, please!
Sick? Stay home, wash hands, mask up, cover your cough.
Want to lessen chances of getting sick? Wash your hands and Get a FLU shot!
Proper hand washing: Wash them often, use soap and water, and wash for at least 20 seconds. We have the boys sing the "Happy Birthday" song twice, it takes about 20 seconds (when they don't rush through it just to humor me!).
When you can't get to a sink, use an alcohol based hand sanitizer (60% ETOH is best as it breaks down the proteins in the bacteria). Be sure to use enough so your hands are completely wet. Rub for VIGOROUSLY for 15 seconds...remember friction kills germs!
Lovingly, Nurse Hannah! 🤒😷😴😳😚