
Welcome me, welcome you! Athough I am not sure I have much to say, that anyone wants to listen to that is, I thought it might be fun to start a blog and archive my thoughts, pictures, writings, and attempted recipes and crafts! So, this is more of an area for me to be ME and to explore, vent and get creative. Enjoy, I plan to!

Saturday, October 24, 2015


Want to know more about what My husband and I have been facing? Check this out. http://abcn.ws/1MXcTEK

We don't talk about the details of what we face because we don't want our kiddos to be labeled, we believe we can make a difference, but it will take a time. Plus, we already feel a bit ostracized by friends who just don't understand. It's okay, we get it, we are overwhelmed by it too. We didn't ask for this, but God knew they needed someone to fight for answers, for help and to still love them through their life. He knew they needed people who weren't going to cower to fear of the overwhelming and unknown but to fiercely advocate despite our often heavy hearts and exhaustion.

At times we feel judged, but we can't parent like other people parent, it looks a lot different to combat years of trauma and foster trust and dependence. We understand that the judgement is due to a lack of education/understanding regarding Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD). 

Until recently, RAD and the trauma it causes, hasn't been well studied. Yet, more and more literature is coming forth. It's sad and yet fascinating to learn about. Our brains are so fragile, from conception they are formed dependent upon our surroundings and  interactions. 

The younger the interventions, the better the outcomes. Sometimes we feel like we are racing against a clock, but then we remember all the prayers and know the One who is in control is not bound by time. 

Continue to keep us in your prayers. We are on a new safer step in the journey. But one that will likely set back the attachment. In addition, Beaver and I have been struggling emotionally. Thankfully (i have the best work team ever) I was given a few days off to regroup, this has been so good for us! 

Special thanks to my mom and brothers for their unwavering support! 

We know we aren't alone, if you know people struggling with RAD kids who need a listening ear or to know they aren't alone, feel free to have them contact us. We'd love support and walk beside them on their journey. 

If you feel burdened for them but don't know what to do, just do something. Believe me, they won't know what they need, but they need to know people are there for them. We received a few fast food gift cards in the mail and another time a frozen casserole to cook up when could, someone else showed up to sit with us in the waiting room. This felt amazing!!! 

If nothing else read up on RAD and get a peak into their battle so you can truly empathize with them. 

Prayer warriors, thank you!!!!

(Wow, that was lengthy!)

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Fine, thanks!

My coworkers called my bluff on my "Fine" yesterday. Got me thinking and creating. I wasn't allowing myself time to step back and consider how I really feel, I just stay safetly focused on keeping all the plates spinning.

So, this morning as I reflected on how I feel, I am thinking about how I indeed have a lot of big emotions and feelings.

But I also have a BIG God who, in the midst of my anxiety, calms my heart.  Despite being overwhelmed, He's beside me and makes a way. He knows my tears, He bolsters me on eagles wings when I feel exhausted and defeated, He comforts and heals the raw sadness.

So, I'm not quite fine, I'm human and hurting, but in Him, I am strong and in Him I have hope and peace!