
Welcome me, welcome you! Athough I am not sure I have much to say, that anyone wants to listen to that is, I thought it might be fun to start a blog and archive my thoughts, pictures, writings, and attempted recipes and crafts! So, this is more of an area for me to be ME and to explore, vent and get creative. Enjoy, I plan to!

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Christmas Miracle?!?

We've been doing church at home until we can "keep ourselves together" at church. Thankfully, Ada has an amazing live feed! Tonight we actually went to church; anxieties and excitement were high! We did several (subtle) calming exercises throughout the service but for the most part did amazingly well! 

When we left one boy, with much pride and excitement, declared, "I was really good in there" 

We praised back "yes, you were. You should be so proud!" 

Happy reply: "I am, I was really good, I didn't even steal anything!" 

"Right on, nice job Bud!" (Both Hubby and I suppressing a giggle!) 


Healthcare Holiday...

The holidays are tough for so many...I see this over and over in the hospital. Tomorrow...well, today actually....Christmas Eve and I'll be talking to people about, among other things, end of life decisions...while most are gearing up for fun and family, others are dying. Although I'm practiced at handling emotions that well up....it weighs on me.

Yet I wouldn't trade it. I get to be the "Jesus with skin on" to people who are broken, hurting, sick, scared, confused, &/or lonely. The knowledge of that mission is strength and the knowledge that He is in control is peace! 

I pray again this season for the Lord to use me in the lives of others...to bring empathy, understanding, a smile, education, comfort, and His love. That He will speak through my actions the message I'm often not at liberty to verbalize. 

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

You say potato...

I found this beauty in our bag of potatoes! I call dibs on this baked potato!