
Welcome me, welcome you! Athough I am not sure I have much to say, that anyone wants to listen to that is, I thought it might be fun to start a blog and archive my thoughts, pictures, writings, and attempted recipes and crafts! So, this is more of an area for me to be ME and to explore, vent and get creative. Enjoy, I plan to!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Homemade Taco Seasoning

This is the recipe I use for to make my own taco seasoning.

6 tsp chili powder
2.5 tsp garlic powder
4.5 tsp cumin
5 tsp paprika
4 tsp minced onion
1 tsp of cayanne pepper (may be omitted or halved if you do not like it spicy)
dash of salt and pepper

Mix it and store it in an air tight spice jar.

To use, brown the meat and add 2 Tablespoons and a half a cup of water per one pound of meat.

We actually use 1/2 lb of meat and 1 cup of cooked oatmeal - brown it up and add the spice mix.  The oatmeal is healthier, cheaper, and you can't tell the difference! Seriously, try it!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

This must but be what it's like to have kids!

Our Great Dane, Marlee-Sue spent the night in the ICU last week.  It was so sad to see her so sick that she did not even want to hold her head up.  She was so stoic we had no idea she was so sick, we called our vet and made and appointment for 9am.  But then we noticed she was really sleepy so I went to the bedroom to lay down with her and it hit me like a ton of bricks, something was not right.

Called a friend who has an SUV, loaded her into the back and off to the Doggie ER we went! 

Stort via FB posts below:

Not even a sparrow falls that the Father does not know about...Beave and I are clinging to this verse knowing our heavenly Father hears our cries tonight as we left our Great Dane, Marlee Sue at the vet. She has developed a fever of unknown origin and is very very sick - we pray Marlee's fever comes down tonight and her organs are not damaged. She is OUR kid - we sick with worry - but trying to rest in knowing God loves her too!  October 17 at 8:00pm

Thank you all - I am feeling a little numb and I have to remind myself to stop clenching my jaws - my face hurts! Anyway, just talked with the vet and her fever is down slightly by 8 tenths of a degree!! That kinda a baby step in the right directions! keep praying!!
Home again, home again, wow, long day so far and looks like it will be a long night. I think this is what is it like to have sick kids, but I am pretty sure the hospital does not send you home with a kid with an IV in place, IV Fluids/Tubing/Antibiotics/Pain meds/and a thermometer!?! I guess they are taking advantage of Marlee's "mom" being an ER Nurse! :) I am so glad they are.  We are glad she's home. She's sleeping and I am hoping it's just exhaustion and that when she wakes up she'll be peppy and ready to go again! Please - continue to pray over her for the next 24 hrs! MANY THANKS!!!!  · October 18 at 12:28pm

aww, thanks for asking. She is laying right here next to me. Just took her temp a little while ago and it is 101.6, which is good. She drank some water when we first came home several hours ago but is not interested in it now. I have one more bag of IV fluids I am going to give her in a little while.

She is on antibiotics and pain meds. They do not know what the deal is, could be anything. But since she responded well to the antibiotics (lowering her fever and perking her up) we have decided to not pursue testing and just keep going with the meds.
October 18 at 9:04pm ·

UPDATE: Marlee is a bit better this am! She is still moaning and groaning from time to time and not really eating much but she has not fever, she got up and went out this am, drank some water, and gave kisses before going back to sleep! PROGRESS!! Thanks for the prayers!!· October 19 at 8:36am

Eating, drinking, peeing, pooping, and a spring in her step = Marlee Sue!!

Happy, relieved, hopeful, and grateful for the power of praying friends =  Me & The Beave!

Thank you Lord, thank you ALL!!
October 19 at 2:21pm

YAHOOOO!!! She finishes up her antibiotics tomorrow and is back to herself!!!  

October 17 at 9:54pm
Marlee's fever came dow slowly in th night, as of a couple hours ago it was 103. we will be headed out to see her soon and transfer her from the animal ER to our vet's office. we hope to pinpoint the infection and bring her home!! thank you for praying. October 18 at 6:09am
Lookin' good...on the way to the vet from the Doggie ER!