
Welcome me, welcome you! Athough I am not sure I have much to say, that anyone wants to listen to that is, I thought it might be fun to start a blog and archive my thoughts, pictures, writings, and attempted recipes and crafts! So, this is more of an area for me to be ME and to explore, vent and get creative. Enjoy, I plan to!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

99.7% Recycled Icicle Ornaments!

We both grew up in old farmhouses, one in Upstate NY and the other in Upstate MI.  Seeing icicles forming on the eves was one of the first signs that Christmas was near!
In deciding what to make for our ornament, we saw these icicles. Not only do these icicles remind us of Christmas, a favorite holiday, they remind us of being earth friendly, and oddly enough, a recent episode of food poisoning.
Because we strive to be as green and earth friendly as we can, we typically try not to buy one time use plastic bottles.  However, after a hectic Thanksgiving we did not want to face leftovers and decided the next day to go out for dinner at a local Indian restaurant.  A few hours later, faced with food poisoning, we regretted that decision!  The only thing we felt like ingesting was Gatorade and Pop. So, these icicles are made of recycled Pop and Gatorade bottles!!
May your holidays be blessed with good health and peace!!  Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
The Trumbles

This just doesn't cut it!

Okay, so I did not have any scissors, so I picked up a package of them....the problem was I needed scissors to get to them...hmmmm.... :)

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Homemade Taco Seasoning

This is the recipe I use for to make my own taco seasoning.

6 tsp chili powder
2.5 tsp garlic powder
4.5 tsp cumin
5 tsp paprika
4 tsp minced onion
1 tsp of cayanne pepper (may be omitted or halved if you do not like it spicy)
dash of salt and pepper

Mix it and store it in an air tight spice jar.

To use, brown the meat and add 2 Tablespoons and a half a cup of water per one pound of meat.

We actually use 1/2 lb of meat and 1 cup of cooked oatmeal - brown it up and add the spice mix.  The oatmeal is healthier, cheaper, and you can't tell the difference! Seriously, try it!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

This must but be what it's like to have kids!

Our Great Dane, Marlee-Sue spent the night in the ICU last week.  It was so sad to see her so sick that she did not even want to hold her head up.  She was so stoic we had no idea she was so sick, we called our vet and made and appointment for 9am.  But then we noticed she was really sleepy so I went to the bedroom to lay down with her and it hit me like a ton of bricks, something was not right.

Called a friend who has an SUV, loaded her into the back and off to the Doggie ER we went! 

Stort via FB posts below:

Not even a sparrow falls that the Father does not know about...Beave and I are clinging to this verse knowing our heavenly Father hears our cries tonight as we left our Great Dane, Marlee Sue at the vet. She has developed a fever of unknown origin and is very very sick - we pray Marlee's fever comes down tonight and her organs are not damaged. She is OUR kid - we sick with worry - but trying to rest in knowing God loves her too!  October 17 at 8:00pm

Thank you all - I am feeling a little numb and I have to remind myself to stop clenching my jaws - my face hurts! Anyway, just talked with the vet and her fever is down slightly by 8 tenths of a degree!! That kinda a baby step in the right directions! keep praying!!
Home again, home again, wow, long day so far and looks like it will be a long night. I think this is what is it like to have sick kids, but I am pretty sure the hospital does not send you home with a kid with an IV in place, IV Fluids/Tubing/Antibiotics/Pain meds/and a thermometer!?! I guess they are taking advantage of Marlee's "mom" being an ER Nurse! :) I am so glad they are.  We are glad she's home. She's sleeping and I am hoping it's just exhaustion and that when she wakes up she'll be peppy and ready to go again! Please - continue to pray over her for the next 24 hrs! MANY THANKS!!!!  · October 18 at 12:28pm

aww, thanks for asking. She is laying right here next to me. Just took her temp a little while ago and it is 101.6, which is good. She drank some water when we first came home several hours ago but is not interested in it now. I have one more bag of IV fluids I am going to give her in a little while.

She is on antibiotics and pain meds. They do not know what the deal is, could be anything. But since she responded well to the antibiotics (lowering her fever and perking her up) we have decided to not pursue testing and just keep going with the meds.
October 18 at 9:04pm ·

UPDATE: Marlee is a bit better this am! She is still moaning and groaning from time to time and not really eating much but she has not fever, she got up and went out this am, drank some water, and gave kisses before going back to sleep! PROGRESS!! Thanks for the prayers!!· October 19 at 8:36am

Eating, drinking, peeing, pooping, and a spring in her step = Marlee Sue!!

Happy, relieved, hopeful, and grateful for the power of praying friends =  Me & The Beave!

Thank you Lord, thank you ALL!!
October 19 at 2:21pm

YAHOOOO!!! She finishes up her antibiotics tomorrow and is back to herself!!!  

October 17 at 9:54pm
Marlee's fever came dow slowly in th night, as of a couple hours ago it was 103. we will be headed out to see her soon and transfer her from the animal ER to our vet's office. we hope to pinpoint the infection and bring her home!! thank you for praying. October 18 at 6:09am
Lookin' good...on the way to the vet from the Doggie ER!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

You've Got Wings

He shall cover you with His feathers and under His wings you may seek refuge, His truth shall be your shield and buckler. Ps 91:4

I am continually in awe of how much God loves me and watches over me.  Just think about that verse!
He covers me with His feathers!  When I am hurt, lonely, sad, or life just seems rough I can turn to Him and find shelter under His wings of protection., He covers me with His feathers! His truth is my shield and buckler = I can trust His promises, they are true, He is faithful to save, protect, and supply all of our needs.
In my weakness, He is my strength and protector!  Oh, how deep His love is for His kids - just amazing!

How Deep the Father's Love for Us
How deep the Father's love for us,
How vast beyond all measure
That He should give His only Son
To make a wretch His treasure

How great the pain of searing loss,
The Father turns His face away
As wounds which mar the chosen One,
Bring many sons to glory

Behold the Man upon a cross,
My sin upon His shoulders
Ashamed I hear my mocking voice,
Call out among the scoffers

It was my sin that left Him there
Until it was accomplished
His dying breath has brought me life
I know that it is finished

I will not boast in anything
No gifts, no power, no wisdom
But I will boast in Jesus Christ
His death and resurrection

Why should I gain from His reward?
I cannot give an answer
But this I know with all my heart
His wounds have paid my ransom
©1995 Kingsway's Thank you Music
Words and Music by Stuart Townend

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Comfort & Empathy

Sometimes, it's hard to grasp why we go through rough times. II Corinthians 1:3-4 Paul writes, "Praise be to God . . . the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God." I see two things here comfort and empathy. Comfort in knowing God is there when we are going through trials! Empathy to understand and comfort others when they are going through trials.

Praying today for those who are hurting, may God bring you comfort and understanding friends to love you through the hard times!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Smelly Vac, Smelly Vac, what are they feeding you?

Does your vacuum ever get that "Not so fresh smell?" 

Try this:  place a few drops of essential oil on a cotton ball, then vacuum it up! This not only freshens the vacuum but also the air in the room.

Great-Bull-Shihtzu Hint:  use lavender oil, which calms the nerves and it will help calm everyone down while you vacuum, especially if your dog doesn't care for the vacuum noise!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Dryer Sheets: Take 2!

I love dryer sheets!  I used to place them in my luggage when I packed and when I stored it, in my storage bins and in my clothing drawers - dry sheets every where!!  But they are pricey and we noticed the Great Dane (Marlee Sue) eating them!  She goes crazy over them and steals them whenever she can - silly dog! So we started making our own. (side note: I now use cotton rounds with a couple of drops of essential oils in my drawers and luggage! My faves: lavender and lemon.)

To get started:
1) water
2) a bottle of liquid fabric softener (Go ahead - buy  whichever one you like the best even if it is the expensive kind - it last so long that you can afford to splurge! Besides, you will want to like the smell since it takes a long itme to use it up!)
3) a package of sponges (4 or 6)
4) one container with leakproof lid like this one from tupperware.

To make: simply add one parts softner to two parts water, toss in the sponges and you are ready to go! (if you have a big container just dump the who carton/bottle of softner and fill it up 2 times with water and dump those in too! Remember to recycle your bottles/cartons.  We save ours and when we make our laudry soap we fill one of the bottles up and give it away along with the recipe.

To use: take out and wring one sponge and toss it in the dryer with your wet clothes! (Remember: fabric sofnter shouldn't be used on towels it messes with the pile, leaving a residue and thereby making them them less absorbant. And it could lessen the fire resistance of fabrics - so read your labels!! (GH)

Great-Bull-Shihtzu friendly use for Dryer Sheets: We still keep a few dryer sheets on hand.  We read in a dog training book that dogs sense the static electricity in the air when a storm is coming and that rubbing them with a dryer sheet reduces that feeling, hence making them less anxious.  We thought, "what the heck, let's try it."  It really seemed to work, of course Marlee-Sue still tries to eat them while we are rubbing her down, the Shihtzu has just about gotten over her fear of storms now, and the ever attention seeking Pit Bull (Geree) just revels in the massage, lol!!  The Storm stress level in our dogs has significantly decreased.  So, next time your dog is anxious and there is a storm coming run for sheets - it works, try it!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Purple Posies!

Mom, these are the puple ones I made.

I made one into a bracelett - did not care for the felt wristband but after talking it over with a friend, I have an idea of how I can make it nicer and so it will not stretch out.

The picture of the bracelett did not turn out very well, it looks nicer in person. :) I will try to take another one later.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

John Donne

This is my favorite Holy sonnet.  It was written by John Donne and seems to come from his very breath as it pours out in earnest please to God.  I learned so much from dissecting this very by verse – very powerful!
Batter my heart, three-person'd God ; for you
As yet but knock ; breathe, shine, and seek to mend ;
That I may rise, and stand, o'erthrow me, and bend
Your force, to break, blow, burn, and make me new.
I, like an usurp'd town, to another due,
Labour to admit you, but O, to no end.
Reason, your viceroy in me, me should defend,
But is captived, and proves weak or untrue.
Yet dearly I love you, and would be loved fain,
But am betroth'd unto your enemy ;
Divorce me, untie, or break that knot again,
Take me to you, imprison me, for I,
Except you enthrall me, never shall be free,
Nor ever chaste, except you ravish me.

Thursday, October 6, 2011


Tonight when I came home from work there was a bird sitting on our door step - a little chick-a-dee.  I thought he must be hurt since he did not bother to move when we got close.

We were careful not to let the dogs out to disturb him. I found a little box and placed a tea towel and two little saucers in it, one for food, one for water.  I took it outside and gently picked up up and placed him in the box. He was so calm, I think he knew I was trying to help.

I placed another towel over one corner so he could hide if he wanted to, he did. A few minutes later I went to check on him and he was standing in the saucer drinking.  We were getting ready to go out so I left him along for awhile, when we left he was eating some of the birdseed I put in the second saucer, I had high hopes for his recovery but somehow knew it was not meant to be.

I think he knew he was dying and wanted to do so while being cared for and with a full belly - I came home to find he had passed.

It made me sad, but for choosing to allow me to care for him, I felt PRIVILEGED!

What is the price of two sparrows--one copper coin? But not a single sparrow can fall to the ground without your Father knowing it. Matthew 10:29

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Sock Bun Hair!

I found this "Sock Bun" tutorial online and tried it.  It is great!!! I wash my hair, let it somewhat air dry while I get ready for the day then put it up in the sock bun wear it all day and even sleep on it that night (it's comfy to sleep in you do not even know it is there) and then the next morning, I have curls!!  It is really easy to do - check out the You Tube link below!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Waxing Eloquent

I purchased a kit!  It seemed harmless at the time, a little tub of wax some cotton strips.  This seemed easy - so I set out to wax my eyebrows - proving once again why my family oh-so-lovingly dubbed me, Grace, of which I am the antithesis!

My first experience with it was a year ago it went....

Simple: heat tub of wax in microwave for 1-2 minutes.

Me: heat tub of wax in microwave 10-1....well, it was a little too warm!

Simple: Smooth on a paper-thin layer, using applicator. Apply strip and quickly zip-off in the opposite direction of hair growth.

Me: carefully apply small amount to wayward hairs at the eyebrow, but wax was a little too warm and not all of the hair I desired to remove came off. No problem, I will try again.

PROBLEM: using some rationale that I can still not explain expect that I did not want to waste the strips,  I decided to reuse the strip! After applying another thin coat and zipping it off I checked the mirror to admire my work ENTER the Husband.

Husband: what did you do to your eyebrow?

Me: waxed it

Husband: did you mean to?

Me: uh yes, then looking closer in the mirror noticed I had cleanly removed a large chunk of my eyebrow. I look at the strip - YUP, there it is!!  CRAPOLA!!!

Facebook post: Hypothetically speaking.....uhmm....my FRIEND wants to know...ahhh...how long does it take for eyebrows to grow back after an unfortunate turn of events while trying a to use a home warm wax kit....just wondering....for my friend! Anybody have an eyebrow pencil I ....I mean my friend can borrow??!!

Second, and I might add FINAL,try was tonight!

The lid to the wax was glued on, I figured once I heated it in the microwave it would loosen up, which it did.  But the wax spilled as I took the lid off and was all over my fingers.  That stuff is sooo hard to get off.  I was trying to get it off before my husband figures it out.  No such luck! 

Husband: did you know that you got wax on your make up sponge thingy?

Me: yup.

Husband: what are you doing, is it on your hands?

Me: yes, and I can't figure out how to get it off. I tried freezing it with ice, heating it with hot water - it just spreads and gets worse.

He snickered - I poked him in the chest with my waxy finger leaving a hairless reddened spot mid chest! 

Husband: picks up directions and reads  - use oil to remove.  He then goes and gets the vegetable oil and pour it on my hands! It worked!!

Me: Well, the wax is in the trash and I have a salon appointment next week!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Green and Clean

We are cleaning green!

    After reading up on waste and the environment, my husband and I were just amazed at how much of an impact we have on the environment everyday.  So, we decided that we wanted to makes some changes and live greener!
    We decided to start by making small changes.  I think the first thing we did was decide to not buy paper towels – seems simple – oy vey though, it seemed like a huge loss/inconvenience to me, I did not like it!  It seems silly now though, since we have not had paper towel over 2 years.
    Next we took a few classes as the public library. We learned about how the cleaners we use effect the streams/rivers and their inhabitants, even our animals and ourselves since we were inhaling these toxicants as we used them and leaving behind their caustic residue as we went “cleaned.”
    Once the decision was made to clean only with green products we decided to use up the cleaners, no sense in throwing them into the landfill.  We would use them up and replace them with homemade or bought products deemed green!
    Turns out we make all of our cleaning supplies from laundry detergent to toilet scrub! We are learning as we go.  Some products we like instantly and others have taken some tweaking!

Outcomes of our venture:
 1) We feel better about what we are doing for our health, by using non caustic products.
2) We feel great about decreasing our carbon footprint.
3) We have saved some mega-$$$! (unanticipated, much welcomed outcome!)
    In this entry I will list the supplies we keep on hand then I will go through and do tutorials or recipes on each of the products we use.
Green Clean Supplies:
v  Liquid Castile Soap
v  Baking Soda
v  Essential oils
o   Lavender
o   Tea Tree
o   Lemon
o   Orange
o   Peppermint
o   Rosemary
o   Eucalyptis
o   Other
v  Olive Oil
v  Vinegar
v  Borax
v  Alcohol
v  Borax
v  Washing soda
v  Epsom Salts
v  Cleaning cloths
o   Old t-shirts
o   Microfiber towels
o   Toothbrush
o   Newspaper
Ready, Set, Go!!  You can do it!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Poly-Satin Flowers: The Necklace

So, I did it!  And for the first one, I am really pleased!  Here is what I did. 

I made the flowers (see 9/12/11 post for tutorial) then cut out a piece of felt to use as backing then I glued (using hot glue) the flowers to the felt (then realized I had to recut some notches out of the felt so you could not see the felt behind the flowers.  Then I hot glued a pearl in the center of each flower. 

Then I took a necklace I bought for $1.00 at a resale shop and clipped the links in the middle and removed the center pearl.  I stuck a piece of metal like a jewelry pin (which I cut from piece of broken necklace and bent with pliers) then put the pin through the felt and pinched it with pliers...hard to describe but easy to do!

I then the center pearl that I cut off the necklace as the middle of the tan flower and used a few other pearls from another necklace I took apart for the centers of the other 4 flowers.

Then I tried it on!! :) Swwweet!  I am going to wear it to ArtPrize tonight!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Must love Dogs

Our dogs are our kids!  To love us is to love our dogs! ;) 

I just had to chuckle when I saw this sign!!  Now that's the dog-gone truth, if you come to our house - you must pass the sniff test!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Lemon Slice Ice

I saw these somewhere this summer and finally made them a few weeks ago!  I was delightfully surprised at how flavorful the lemon slice made each cube!  In the picture below I showed placing them in lemonade but I used them in water, sprite and ice tea as well - YUM!

Directions:  fill a cupcake pan with water, slice up a lemon and place on slice in each well, freeze and add to your favorite beverage!

Poly-Satin Flowers

Love this project!!  It is quick, simple, and cheap!  I spent $2.24 on some poly-satin material 1/8 of a yard of six yummy colors.

Choose your colors!

Use a tea-light to slightly melt the edges (watch your fingers!!)

This is how the edges will look.  Now repeat with various color and sizes.

 Stack them up and sew then together through the center.  (You can add a pretty button or bead to the centers)

If you would like to make a flower with petals vs the rounded look see below:

Cut small slits around the circumference

 I varied the number of "petals" on each flower.

Melt edges

These were a ton of fun to make because they are quick, easy and foolproof!  Instant gratification!! :)  I made one in just a few minutes, attached it to a bobby pin and put it to the side of my pony tail.  I also pinned one to my purse.

Other ideas:  use as a bow for gift bag, pin one or two in random places on your jeans, skirt, or blouse.  I am going to make a necklace out them too (I will post the pic once I am done!).

Thanks for stopping by, enjoy your flower making and be sure to let me know how it goes and/or post other suggestions for use!

***My argument for those who think they can't: We were made by the utimate Creator, so everyone is creative and the best thing is we are all creative in different ways and can compliment each other!***

Create on, my friend!!!