I purchased a kit! It seemed harmless at the time, a little tub of wax some cotton strips. This seemed easy - so I set out to wax my eyebrows - proving once again why my family oh-so-lovingly dubbed me, Grace, of which I am the antithesis!
My first experience with it was a year ago it went....
Simple: heat tub of wax in microwave for 1-2 minutes.
Me: heat tub of wax in microwave 10-1....well, it was a little too warm!
Simple: Smooth on a paper-thin layer, using applicator. Apply strip and quickly zip-off in the opposite direction of hair growth.
Me: carefully apply small amount to wayward hairs at the eyebrow, but wax was a little too warm and not all of the hair I desired to remove came off. No problem, I will try again.
PROBLEM: using some rationale that I can still not explain expect that I did not want to waste the strips, I decided to reuse the strip! After applying another thin coat and zipping it off I checked the mirror to admire my work ENTER the Husband.
Husband: what did you do to your eyebrow?
Me: waxed it
Husband: did you mean to?
Me: uh yes, then looking closer in the mirror noticed I had cleanly removed a large chunk of my eyebrow. I look at the strip - YUP, there it is!! CRAPOLA!!!
Facebook post:
Hypothetically speaking.....uhmm....my FRIEND wants to know...ahhh...how long does it take for eyebrows to grow back after an unfortunate turn of events while trying a to use a home warm wax kit....just wondering....for my friend! Anybody have an eyebrow pencil I ....I mean my friend can borrow??!!
Second, and I might add FINAL,try was tonight!
The lid to the wax was glued on, I figured once I heated it in the microwave it would loosen up, which it did. But the wax spilled as I took the lid off and was all over my fingers. That stuff is sooo hard to get off. I was trying to get it off before my husband figures it out. No such luck!
Husband: did you know that you got wax on your make up sponge thingy?
Me: yup.
Husband: what are you doing, is it on your hands?
Me: yes, and I can't figure out how to get it off. I tried freezing it with ice, heating it with hot water - it just spreads and gets worse.
He snickered - I poked him in the chest with my waxy finger leaving a hairless reddened spot mid chest!
Husband: picks up directions and reads - use oil to remove. He then goes and gets the vegetable oil and pour it on my hands! It worked!!
Me: Well, the wax is in the trash and I have a salon appointment next week!